Swagger API Contract Example: A Guide to Creating Robust APIs

Creating an API is becoming increasingly essential for businesses of all sizes. An API (Application Programming Interface) enables different software applications to communicate and share data with each other, making it an essential feature for modern-day web development. However, developing and maintaining an API can be challenging, especially when it comes to ensuring compliance with client applications. Fortunately, Swagger offers a robust framework for API development that makes it easier to manage APIs and ensure that they are consistent across multiple client applications.

What is Swagger?

Swagger is an open-source framework that provides developers with tools for designing, building, documenting, and testing APIs. It provides the tools necessary for creating a complete development environment for APIs, including a user interface for exploring the API, a visual editor for creating the API, and tools for testing and debugging.

One of the most significant benefits of Swagger is its ability to provide clients with a clear and concise description of the API. This description includes information on how to interact with the API, what data is required, and what data is returned. The ability to provide clear documentation makes it easier for clients to integrate their applications with the API and ensures that they comply with the API`s requirements.

Swagger API Contract Example

When creating an API using Swagger, you must define a contract that outlines the API`s functionality. This contract is a machine-readable description of the API that includes details such as the endpoints, request and response parameters, and error messages. The contract makes it easier for developers to understand and implement the API, and it also helps ensure consistency when multiple client applications are interacting with the API.

Here is an example Swagger API contract for a simple API that performs math functions:

swagger: “2.0”


title: Math API

description: A simple API that performs math functions

version: 1.0.0

basePath: /api/v1


– https


– application/json


– application/json





– Math

description: Performs addition of two numbers


– in: body

name: numbers

description: The numbers to add


type: object


– number1

– number2



type: integer


type: integer



description: OK


type: object


– result



type: integer

In this example, the contract defines an API that performs math functions, including a single endpoint for addition. The contract specifies that the API uses HTTPS, consumes and produces JSON, and is accessible using the path /api/v1. The contract also defines the request parameters for the add endpoint, which are two integer values. Finally, the contract specifies the response, which is a single integer value.


Ensuring consistency and compatibility across different client applications is essential when developing an API. Swagger provides a powerful framework for API development that makes it easier to manage and document APIs. Using a Swagger API contract can help ensure that your API is easy to understand, use, and maintain. By providing detailed documentation of your API`s functionality, you can make it easier for your clients to integrate their applications with your API and improve their overall experience.

Amendment Agreement Draft India: A Comprehensive Guide

An amendment agreement is a legal document that allows parties to modify or alter the terms of an existing agreement. In India, amendment agreements are commonly used to amend contracts, lease agreements, vendor agreements, and many other types of legal contracts.

The amendment agreement draft India is a document that outlines the proposed changes to an existing agreement. It serves as a roadmap, guiding the parties through the process of amending the original agreement. The process can involve a negotiation between the parties to come to an agreement on the desired changes.

The amendment agreement draft India should include the following elements:

1. Date and Parties to the Agreement

The amendment agreement draft India should begin with the date of the agreement and the names of the parties involved. It should also state the purpose of the amendment agreement and the reason for the proposed changes.

2. Identification of the Existing Agreement

The amendment agreement draft India should clearly identify the existing agreement that is being amended. This includes the date of the original agreement, the parties involved in the original agreement, and any relevant provisions of the original agreement.

3. Amendment Provisions

The amendment agreement draft India should state the exact changes being made to the existing agreement. This includes the specific provisions that are being amended, deleted, or added. The amendment provisions should be clear, concise, and specific.

4. Execution of the Amendment Agreement

The amendment agreement draft India should include provisions for the execution of the amendment agreement. This includes how and when the parties will sign the agreement and the effective date of the amendment agreement.

5. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The amendment agreement draft India should specify the governing law and jurisdiction for the amended agreement. This helps to avoid any disputes in the future regarding the interpretation of the agreement.

In conclusion, the amendment agreement draft India is an essential document for parties looking to modify an existing legal agreement. It helps to ensure that both parties are on the same page and that the amended agreement is legally binding. If you are considering amending a legal agreement, it is recommended that you consult with a legal professional to ensure that the amendment agreement draft India meets all legal requirements.

As an SEO-savvy copy editor, I know that people are always searching for information online. So, if you`re looking for a new place to live and are about to sign a lease agreement, there are a few things you need to know.

Here are some key things to look for on a lease agreement:

1. Rent Amount and Payment Due Date

Make sure the rent amount is clearly stated, along with the payment due date. It’s important to know exactly how much you will be paying each month, and when it needs to be paid by.

2. Lease Term

Check the lease term to make sure it aligns with your plans. If you’re only planning on staying in the apartment for six months, but the lease is for a year, you may have to break the lease and pay a penalty.

3. Security Deposit

The security deposit amount and terms need to be clear. It’s important to know how much you’ll be required to pay upfront, and whether or not you’ll get it back when the lease ends.

4. Late Payment Fees

It’s important to know what the consequences are if you’re late with rent payments. Look for any late payment fees or penalties that may be added on if you’re not able to make a payment on time.

5. Maintenance and Repairs

The lease should outline the landlord`s responsibilities for maintenance and repairs. It`s important to know what you`re responsible for and what you can expect from the landlord.

6. Parking and Utilities

The lease should list whether or not parking and utilities are included in the rent. If they aren`t, it`s important to know what additional expenses you`ll be responsible for.

7. Pets

If you have a pet, check to see if there are any restrictions or extra fees involved. Some landlords don`t allow pets, while others may charge a pet deposit or monthly pet fee.

8. Subletting

If you`re planning on subletting the apartment, make sure you`re allowed to do so according to the lease agreement. Some landlords may not allow subletting, while others may require approval before you can sublet.

In summary, when looking at a lease agreement, make sure to review the important details that affect your finances and living experience. By understanding what you’re signing, you can ensure a smooth living arrangement and avoid surprises later on.

When it comes to financing a business, vendor finance agreements can be a useful tool for both buyers and sellers. In New Zealand, vendor finance agreements are becoming increasingly popular as a way to finance the sale of businesses and other assets. In this article, we’ll explore what vendor finance agreements are, how they work, and some things to consider before entering into one.

What is a Vendor Finance Agreement?

A vendor finance agreement is a type of financing arrangement where the seller of an asset, such as a business or property, provides financing to the buyer. The seller essentially acts as the lender, and the buyer makes payments directly to the seller. This can be an attractive option for buyers who may not be able to obtain traditional financing, or for sellers who want to provide additional incentives for buyers to purchase their asset.

How Does it Work?

In a vendor finance agreement, the buyer typically provides a down payment and agrees to make regular payments to the seller over a set period of time. The terms of the agreement can vary depending on the needs of the buyer and seller, but usually include the interest rate, repayment amount, and length of the financing period.

There are some potential benefits and drawbacks to consider when entering into a vendor finance agreement. For buyers, vendor finance can offer a more flexible financing option, as they may not have to meet the same stringent requirements as they would with a traditional lender. For sellers, vendor finance can help them sell their asset more quickly and potentially at a higher price.

Things to Consider

While vendor finance agreements can be a useful tool, it’s important to carefully consider the terms of the agreement before entering into one. Here are some things to keep in mind:

– Interest Rates: Vendor finance agreements may have higher interest rates than traditional lenders, so it’s important to compare rates and make sure the agreement is financially viable.

– Repayment Terms: Make sure the repayment terms are realistic and manageable for your financial situation.

– Legal Implications: It’s important to make sure the vendor finance agreement is legally binding and enforceable.

– Security: Depending on the terms of the agreement, the seller may retain some form of security, such as a lien on the asset being sold. It’s important to understand what security is being provided and the potential consequences if repayments are not made.


In conclusion, if you are considering a vendor finance agreement in New Zealand, it’s important to carefully consider the terms of the agreement and understand the potential benefits and drawbacks. Make sure to compare rates, understand the repayment terms, and ensure the agreement is legally binding. With careful consideration, a vendor finance agreement can be a useful tool for financing the sale of a business or other asset.